
The components compromising the SEGuRo platform are accessible via various sub-domains of seguro:


Please substitute localhost with the DOMAIN from your configuration.

Certificate Authority

All connections to the SEGuRo Platform are TLS encrypted. Server and client certificates are signed by a dedicated Certificate Authority (CA).

Please download, import and trust the Platform’s CA certificate in your operating systems certificate store.

Default Credentials

The administrator credentials can be configured in the .env file.

The defaults are:

  • Username: admin

  • Password: s3gur0herne

Accessing remotely

In case the platform is not deployed on the same host from which you attempt accessing it, further steps are necessary:

For development: Patching /etc/hosts

Please add the following line to your /etc/hosts file and substitute the IP address with the one on which the Docker Compose stack is running: seguro ui.seguro store.seguro registry.seguro ui.registry.seguro

You then can access the links above by substituting localhost with seguro.


For production setup, you will need to register and configure a domain name (environment variable DOMAIN in .env) and point its A and AAAA records to the IP address of your Docker host.